CEC Center Achievements

Categories:Training | Tests | Projects | Diplomas

The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) grants (CEC) an International Award for the best educational project

Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) granted The Center for Continuing Education and Community Service (CEC) at Al Quds Open University an award for the best innovative educational project “Mobile Learning Center for Improving Educational Opportunities in the Marginal Areas of Southern Hebron and the Palestinian Valley” which is implemented by the Center and funded by Community Resilience and Development Program (CRDP) in (C) areas And East Jerusalem led by the Palestinian Government and administered by the United Nations Development Program / Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People and funded by the Governments of Sweden, Austria and Norway.

No. Project Title Starting date End date Funded by: Partners Beneficiary Out put
Public Awareness Campaign II. Land Administration Project- Dura 1/1/2013 31/10/2014 World Bank and
 Government of Finland
Palestinian Land Authority Dura  
More than 500 residents in Dura were made aware of the importance of land registration with the Palestinian Authority
Online Learning platform for the Ministry of Health 01/09/2014 31/09/2015
IntraHealth Ministry of Health – E-learning portal was designed for the Ministry of Health using MOODLE
– More than 30 employees of the Ministry of Health were trained on using and managing the e-learning portal
English Language Learning Project
For police officers using MOODLE
1/7/2014 1/3/2015 UNOPS   Palestinian Police – Specialized staff in the Palestinian Police Force received training on designing and developing e-learning programs using MOODLE
ICDL Training for UNRWA staff 1/8/2014 1/12/2014
  UNRWA staff – More than 1,500 of (UNRWA) staff were trained and their computer skills were enhanced through ICDL program.
English Language Summer Camps (ESC) 30/9/2013 29/9/2014 American consulate -Jerusalem Ministry of Education and Higher Education School students and QOU students – 15 faculty members at the English Language Department at QOU were trained on how to prepare training programs in English.
– Three English language summer Camps were implemented in three marginalized areas in the West Bank, distributed in the north, south and center, and the development of the English skills of more than 150 high school students and first year university students
– 100 students from Al-Quds Open University participated in the summer camp
– -The skills of 100 students in English language were enhanced

Mobile learning center to improve learning opportunities in marginalized areas in southern areas of Hebron
1/12/2014 1/6/2015  (UNDP)
through Community Resilience and Development Program
Yatta and Al Samou’ municipalities , the Joint Services Council , Yatta Women Society, Ministry of Higher Education , Bethlehem University, Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine Technical college , Al Aroub
Targeted school teachers
local community
– A mobile educational center equipped with 20 computers, a mobile library, internet and educational facilities were established
– 175 women and 76 men were targeted through their participation in training courses and awareness activities at the Mobile Learning Center

– Targeting 7 marginalized schools in Area C in Masafer Yatta and Al-Samou ‘(southern part of Hebron
– Improving the academic level of 786 male students and 808 female students in 7 schools in the southern part of Hebron.
Action Research for E-learning Intervention in Palestinian Schools
1/6/2013 10/9/2014 Belgian Development Agency (BTC) Cyprus Open University Ministry of Education Evaluated the innovative learning practices as output of using learning objects, mobile learning, and piloting new ICT tools in the Palestinian education System.
Virtual Reality as an Innovative and Immersive Learning Tools for HEIs in Palestine / Tesla
1/12/2017 1/12/2020 Erasmus+ · Al-Istqlal University
· Palestine Polytechnic University
· Arab American University
· Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA)
· University of Patras (UPAT)
· University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB)
Higher Education Intuitions in Palestine · Involving Palestinian HEI’s in Research Movement related to Virtual Reality in Europe.
· Encourage Palestinian researchers and academics to have an interest to topics related to Ergonomics, Cognitive Psychology, and Human Impact.
· Reduce cost of material related to experimentation and mobility issues.
· Reduce risks by offering simulated controlled environment and immersive learning experience.
· Involving Palestinian 3D Modellers and Programmers into the VR development process

The accomplishments of Continuing Education and Community Service Center (CEC) in specialized professional diplomas

To continue the journey of QOU in serving our homeland and its people, the University provides a number of specialized professional diplomas accredited by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in various fields. The main objective of these diplomas is to develop human cadres at both individual and institutional level, and to enhance the level of practical performance through modern and high quality specifications. The Center for Continuing Education has taken upon itself, through introducing these diplomas, the mission of enhancing the culture of professional education that is based on training and practical performance in the application of the presented topics and focus on providing participants with skills on how to benefit from each topic and apply it on the ground or through case studies.
The accomplishments of the Center for Continuing Education are represented also by the number from beneficiaries of these diplomas from the north to the south and to Gaza Strip. The following table shows the numbers from 2014 to 2016:

Diploma Branch No. of participants
Open learning and e-learning All Branches 30
Administrative skills Ramallah 18
Hebron 14
Jenin 11
Bethlehem 32
Nablus 7
Tubas 9
Modern secretary and Office management Jenin 70
Bethlehem 20
Total number of beneficiaries 211