Implemented Projects
- The project funded by European Union, aimed at enhancing the contribution of the local bodies in governance and development, Samou’ Municipality in partnership with Al-Quds Open University
implemented a project titled ”Building the resilience of As Samou’ communities through territorial integration of Samu area including area C”, the total budge about 450,000 Euro, in order to enhance the municipality capacity in serving the surrounded area specially area (C), through improving the municipality capacity in developing a strategic plan and building comprehensive development plan, in addition to develop outline master plan for the area, and enhance the resident resilience legally, psychologically and financially special in area (C), beside to enhance the role of the women in traditional rug production, and other activities.
Al-Quds Open University is a partner in this project and contributed in implementing most of the activities specially in contracting the consultants/ trainees of the projects and following up with them, implementing basic computer skills for three groups using the mobile education center, supervising and following up the psychological support activities and schools supplies procurements, developing the reports related to the project, and following up with interim students to work with local CBOs on order to supervise the small funds and the various trainings.
. - Capacity Building of al-Quds Open University’s Students and Faculty Members in Professional English Language skills.
The project aimed at enhancing students’ and faculty members’ language and linguistic skills in the English Language Department at the University. This project helped in reducing the learning and socio-economic gaps and shielded students with the needed skills and potentials to join the job market. The project is funded by the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem and was implemented in partnership with Kent State University, as well as the Palestinian private sector, represented by the Palestinian Banking Institute (PBI), the Palestinian Information Technology Association of Companies (PITA), and Inter-Tech company.
- E-OMED- Communication Campaign
The campaign aimed at disseminating openness and communication, pooling knowledge, promotion of usage, co-production, research, development and innovation, which are among the advantages of joining e-OMED. The Continuing Education and Community Service Center (CEC) in cooperation with The Media Production Center (MPC),) and Information & Communication Technology Center (ICTC) work on communication channels and tools to fulfill e-OMED objectives.
- Enhancing Teaching Qualifications Amongst Teachers of Grades 1-4
The project aimed at elevating the skills and competencies of around 2000 male/female teachers who teach grades one to four in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in order to uphold their qualifications to the level of a professional degree. This will enable them to meet the required standards for obtaining teaching professional diplomas. The project was funded by EQUAL Network. The Faculty of Education Sciences at al-Quds Open University, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Center, participated in the second phase of the project for Grades (1-4) with additional funding, in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education, and a funding from the World Bank.
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Palestinian HEIs: An e-Learning Initiative that Bridges Educational and Socio-Political Gaps – TEFL
Al-Quds Open University (QOU) as the lead University implemented TEFL-ePAL project in collaboration with 8 partners from 5 different countries. Its management plan comprised several activities relying on multiple resources with the aim of developing learners’ linguistic capacity, skills, and English language excellence, aiming to bridge the educational and socio-political gaps, enhance modernization, internationalization, and sustainable and lifelong learning.
TEFL-ePal developed a flexible curriculum, with face-to-face and online courses to be accessible to all learners, trespassing diverse boundaries and reaching all learners including those with special needs and conditions.
TEFL –ePAL website:
Facebook account – TEFL:
- Promoting Media Research in 5 Palestinian Universities
This project lies under the framework of the international program for communication development, sponsored by UNESCO and funded by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), and the support from the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture, and Science. The project established an association for faculties and departments of media in the Palestinian universities and developed a research hub that attracts researchers, academics, and students in the fields of media, public relations, and communication. Additionally, it supported the equipping of the research center for media and communication at the Faculty of Media at the University. Furthermore, the project includes the implementation of a training program for media students from various local universities.
- Addressing Fake News and Misleading Information
Undеr this projеct, thе Faculty of Mеdia at thе Univеrsity conducted a training on addressing fake news and misleading information using thе UNESCO publication Fakе Nеws for approximatеly 15 journalists and media еducators from different univеrsitiеs. Additionally, an еlеctronic curriculum containing all thе training contеnt for thе bеnеfit of those intеrеstеd in this topic such as profеssors, mеdia studеnts, and journalists was developed. This projеct is fundеd from the Unitеd Nations Educational, Sciеntific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
- Cyber Safety and Digital Security for Women
Al-Quds Open University, in partnership with ActionAid Palestine, and as part of the Palestinian Youth Civic and Democratic Participation Program (CIV), funded by the Danish government through ActionAid Denmark, conducted five awareness workshops in cyber safety and digital security in the West Bank. These workshops took place in the southern Hebron governorate, in the villages of Samu' and Yatta, as well as in the northern regions of Jenin, Tubas, and Jericho. the workshops were conducted through the mobile educational center truck in Yatta, Samu’ and Tubas. The workshops targeted women's organizations in both regions such as Women's Center in the Northern Jordan Valley and Bardala, the Women's Center in the Aqaba Jabr Camp in Jericho, as well as the mobile educational center in Jenin and Hebron.
- Remedial Educational Materials to Bridge Learning Gaps in Primary Schools
This project was funded by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) to conduct consultancy services for developing remedial education materials to bridge learning gaps. Continuing Education and Community Service Center in collaboration with Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University implemented the project and produced remedial textbooks and curriculum to improve the students’ achievement. The project was initiated as a response to Covid-19 pandemic.
- Designing a Website for al-Ummah University College
This project was funded by al-Ummah University College. The University through the Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC) and the Continuing Education Center and Community Service (CEC) implemented the project. The project aims to establish and design a website, provide practical training for the team on using and making modifications to the website, training on system functions, workflow, and key terminology.
- Yalla Nshouf Film! Come, “let’s see a movie”, Ana Falastiniyyah, “I am Palestinian” Grant
The Continuing Education Center, in collaboration with Shashat Women Cinema, Sunflower Association for the Protection of the Human Being and the Environment have launched a three-years social-cultural project, “Yalla nshouf film!” [Come, let’s see a movie!], funded in a major part by the European Union, with additional support by CFD a feminist peace organization and the Representative Office of the Republic of Poland to Palestine organized the screening of twenty documentary films within the premises of the University as part of the 'I am Palestinian project.
- Improve the Infrastructure of the Mobile Learning Lab to Enhance the Quality of Education in the Southern Hebron Region
Funded by Ma’an Development Center in partnership with Acted, as part of Achieving Sustainable Development in the West Bank and Gaza Strip through Digital Inclusion project, and financed by the French Development Agency (AFD). The project aims to promote digital inclusion among the marginalized groups, including low-income families, women, and people with disabilities, by improving the University's digital infrastructure to become a key center for implementing digital and entrepreneurial activities. These efforts will equip Palestinian youth with skills that facilitate their integration into the Palestinian labor market and provide them with local, regional, and international job opportunities.
- Interactive Educational Content Project Designed for Acted Training Platform
The project is funded by the French Organization Acted in collaboration with Ma’an Development Center. The Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC), the Open Education Center, and the Continuing Education and the Community Service Center implemented this project. The project aims to create and develop interactive educational content on the Moodle platform for a range of training courses:
- Course Level 1
- Financial Auditing using Excel Level 2
- Excel Advanced Course
- Life Skills, and Bisan Program
These courses aim to enhance job opportunities for new graduates and unemployed individuals.
- Preparation of Interactive Educational Content for Entrepreneurship Course
Funded by Ma’an Development Center in partnership with Acted, as part of Achieving Sustainable Growth in West Bank and Gaza Strip through Digital Inclusion project, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD). The Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC), the Open Education Center, the Continuing Education and Community Service Center implemented this project. The project developed interactive educational content on the Moodle platform for the learning and training course in entrepreneurship, in order to enhance employment opportunities for new graduates and the unemployed.
- Ph.D. Program and Promotion of Scientific Research in Computer Science Joint with Georgia State University
The project was funded through the grants program of the American Palestinian Affairs Unit at the U.S. Consulate. The University implemented this project in collaboration with Georgia State University in Georgia, USA. The project aims to provide a joint Ph.D. program in Computer Science and enhance collaborative research between Georgia State University and al-Quds Open University. Both universities worked together to develop the curriculum, action plan, and build the capabilities of the faculty members at al-Quds Open University. Georgia State University's role lies in sharing its expertise in curriculum development and providing any necessary training for the faculty members at the University. Additionally, the objectives of this project align well with the strategy of the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to promote scientific research and encourage innovation, leveraging the extensive experience of the Computer Science Department at Georgia State University.
- Employing Strategic Management Concepts in Media Institutions
This project is funded by the UNESCO where the Faculty of Media in collaboration with the Continuing Education Center in cooperation with four Palestinian universities implemented the project. The aim of this project is to integrate media institutions with strategic management concepts and to be reflected on their sustainability. The project aimed at enhancing and employing strategic management concepts at media institutions and faculties.
- Practical Training on Using Braille Printer Index Basic V5
Ma'an Development Center funded this project in partnership with Acted Palestine as part of Achieving Sustainable Growth in the West Bank and Gaza Strip through Digital Inclusion initiative. The initiative in general is funded by the French Development Agency (AFD). The Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC), the Open Education Center, the Continuing Education and the Community Service Center at the University executed this project. The project provided practical training on using Braille printer for Modern University College in Ramallah.
- Acting as Hybrid Innovation Hub phase 1
This project is funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation Agency (Enabel) in partnership with the Ministry of Labor. The CEC and the University branches in Tubas and Jericho in collaboration with Chamber of Commerce in Tubas will be responsible for implementing the project. The project aims to improve the capabilities of youth and create job opportunities for them in the marginalized areas in the Tubas and Jericho region through employing the mobile education center (truck). The project will train 400 youth graduates and adolescents aged from 16 to 29 on 21st century skills and employment skills in the project targeted areas. The project will also provide young people (especially women and girls) with the necessary facilities to develop entrepreneurial ideas in a collaborative learning environment and provide them with the knowledges they need to promote their products.
- Improving Students’ Skills for Innovation and Sustainable Development through STEAM and Coding in the Palestinian Schools
The project aimed at strengthening the skills of teachers and students in innovation and sustainable development through STEAM and coding. STEAM learning approach relies on providing students with tools to discover novel and innovative approaches to solve problems, report on results and data. The project is funded by the UNESCO and the support of the Government of Japan. Through the project, 84 participants were given 60 hours on Tot, whom in return they they trained 720 male/female students, 360 of those are students in 5-8 grades and the other 360 students are in grades 9-11. The training areas comprised coding, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics. CEC and Purpose Smart Education Company.
- Improving Digital Skills and Learning for Sustainable Development for Ministry of Education and Palestine TV Broadcast Channel Staff
The project aims to develop and enhance the capabilities of educational staff and leverage the infrastructure of the educational channel in Palestine. This is achieved by integrating technology in education and shifting from the traditional mode of learning and teaching to e-learning, following an open and continuous operational approach, considering the student as the ultimate goal of the educational process and its outcome. The project also aims to develop the educational channel by providing equipment, enhance the capacities of supervisors, and developing and filming educational scenarios. The project's duration is 6 months, and it is funded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) with support from the government of Japan, in partnership with the Ministry of Education. The project was implemented through the Center for Continuing Education and Community Service.
- Virtual Reality as an Innovative and Immersive Learning Tools for HEIs in Palestine / TESLA
The project aims to incorporate Virtual Reality technology into Palestinian higher education. This involves creating educational programs and materials that allow students to engage with content remotely. It also seeks to enhance the capabilities of educational and technical teams in partner universities, particularly in areas utilizing Virtual Reality. Additionally, the project provides virtual environments in forensic science, physics, and topography, allowing students to conduct experiments from their homes. The project addresses aspects that online learning alone cannot cover. The European Union funded this project and is executed through the Center for Continuing Education and Community Service (CEC) at the University, in collaboration with several other universities including Palestine Polytechnic University, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, University of Patras in Greece, and Polytechnic University of Bucharest in Romania. The project, led by al-Istiqlal University, involved partners from both Europe and Palestine.
- Solar PV Microgrids a SMART Course.
This project is funded by the Palestine for Sustainable Development Foundation “PsDF” which aims to design and develop a smart course titled “Solar PV Microgrids” as a self-Learning Online Open Course (MOOCs). It deals with microgrids technology, covers a wide range of topics, from basic definitions, through modelling and control of AC and DC microgrids to the application of adaptive protection in microgrids. Participants will master various concepts related to microgrid technology and implementation, such as smart grid and virtual power plant, types of distribution network, markets, control strategies and components. Participants will also have the opportunity to master the topic of microgrids by assessing case study sites where microgrids can be implemented.
- Increase the capacities of Citizens in investigative Journal by providing training to 30 Youth Journalists.
The project aims to build the national capacities among journalists in the concept of investigative journalism by providing intensive training to selected 30 journalists in WB GS who are working in different mass media including our TV. The training purpose is create a team that will be pioneer and change agents to use the investigative journalism techniques to influence the people and support them for social and political change.
- Teaching Arabic to Non Native Speakers Improved at Al Quds Open University.
In collaboration with Università telematica internazionale Uninettun/Italy and Tunis Virtual University (UVT), Al Quds Open University (QOU) is implementing a project funded by the e- Omed Espace Numérique Ouvert pour la Méditerranée, that aims to develop the field of teaching Arabic for non-native speakers, by providing online modules in the light of technical educational experiences based on successful and internationally approved standards and enhancing the skills of Arabic teachers to design and develop online modules for teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.
- Promoting OER Concepts, Reuse, and Practices in the Arab Countries.
Funded by UNESCO office in Cairo and in partnership with Ministry of Education and Higher Education-Jordan. QOU is implementing a project that aims to develop A Self-Learning Open Online Training Course to raise the OER awareness and assist academics and teachers from the Arab countries (Jordan and Palestine) in acquiring and reinforcing the skills and knowledge they need in order to exploit the rich potential of e-Content. They will learn how to incorporate OER in their courses; ways to reuse e-Content and what are the easy tools to develop OER for their students; how and where to publish and share their OER and how to establish sustainable communities for sharing initiatives, thoughts and experiences. In addition, as a part of this project, a Training of trainers (TOT) workshops will be held in Palestine and Jordan in using the Self-Learning Open Online Training Course.
- Mobile Educational Center Improves Educational Opportunities in South Hebron Governorate:
This project is the first of its kind in the region and has been funded by the Community Resilience and Development Programme in Area C and in East Jerusalem (CRDP) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). It aims to improve the quality of education in the marginalized C areas located South of Hebron, through providing an educational center equipped with a computer lab and a library on a truck traveling between the marginalized areas and schools to be used by the students and the local community in cooperation with the Municipality of Yatta and Al-Samu'u and the Directorate of Education of South Hebron. - Action Research on E-learning in Palestinian Schools:
This project was implemented in cooperation with the Open University of Cyprus and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and funded by the Belgian Agency for Development (BTC). The aim of the project is to assess the use of e-Learning and various teaching techniques in the Palestinian educational system. - English Language Summer Camp :
The project was funded by the American Consulate General in Jerusalem in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. The aim of the project is to improve the English language skills of the Palestinian youth in the marginalized areas of Salfit, the Jordan Valley -Tubas and South Hebron area. More than 100 high school graduates and first year university students benefited from this project. - English Language Lab for the Palestinian Police:
This project was funded by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and aims to train trainers from the Palestinian Police to be able to design English language training programs, download them on Moodle system and teach them to the target group of the Palestinian police. - Developing and Designing an e -Learning portal for the Ministry of Health:
This project was implemented in cooperation with INTRA HEALTH and aims to develop and design an e-Learning portal using Moodle for the Ministry of Health, train the staff of the Ministry on how use and manage this portal and design educational programs and upload them on the portal. - The Media Campaign Project for the Settlement of Dura lands:
This project was funded by the World Bank and in cooperation with the Palestinian Land Authority. The project aims to enhance the awareness of the local community members in Dura about the importance of land registration at the Palestinian Land Authority. - Awareness program for home buyers "mortgage":
This project was funded by UK Aid in cooperation with the Palestinian Banking Institute. It aims to educate homebuyers to successfully purchase a house. - Development of Health Management Bachelor's Program:
The project was funded by USAID in collaboration with Al-Quds Open University and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. It aims at developing a Bachelor's program in Health Management to enable the staff of the Ministry of Health to develop and improve their management skills in the health field. - Mobile Education Center project to improve the quality of education in marginalized areas in Tubas and the northern Jordan Valley:
Following the success of the mobile education center project in Hebron governorate, a similar project was implemented in Tubas and the northern Jordan Valley through Community Resilience and Development Program (CRDP), which aimed to improve the quality of education in the (C) marginalized areas of the northern Jordan Valley region, through the provision of an equipped education center with a computer lab and a library on a truck that travels in the marginalized areas, to be used by the students and the community in cooperation with the villages’ councils, the local government and Tubas Directorate.